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Additional Pilobolus Info

Pilobolus: A Journey Through Dance and Creativity

Pilobolus is more than just a dance company; it is a mesmerizing blend of art, acrobatics, and storytelling. Since its inception, Pilobolus has captivated audiences worldwide with its unique approach to movement and performance. This blog post delves into the history, notable performers, musical elements, and touring schedule of Pilobolus, offering a comprehensive look at this innovative theater show.

History of Pilobolus

Pilobolus was founded in 1971 by a group of Dartmouth College students. Named after a type of phototropic fungus that grows on cow dung, Pilobolus embodies the principles of growth, movement, and light-seeking behavior. The company was initially formed by Moses Pendleton, Jonathan Wolken, and three other classmates who explored new ways of creating and presenting dance. Their approach was unconventional, focusing on the collaborative creation process and using the human body to create striking shapes and forms.

Over the decades, Pilobolus has grown from a small ensemble to a renowned international dance company, performing in over 64 countries and collaborating with artists from various disciplines, including visual arts, music, and theater.

Notable Pilobolus Performers

Throughout its history, Pilobolus has featured a diverse array of talented performers, each bringing their unique flair to the company's productions. Some notable performers include:

  • Moses Pendleton: One of the co-founders, Pendleton later founded the dance company MOMIX and has significantly influenced the world of contemporary dance.
  • Jonathan Wolken: Another co-founder, Wolken remained with Pilobolus until his passing in 2010, contributing to many of its groundbreaking works.
  • Itamar Kubovy: Serving as the Executive Director, Kubovy has played a crucial role in expanding Pilobolus's reach and integrating technology and multimedia into their performances.

Music in Pilobolus Shows

Music is an integral part of Pilobolus performances, enhancing the emotional and visual impact of their choreography. The company collaborates with various composers and musicians to create original scores that complement their innovative dance pieces. The music ranges from classical compositions to contemporary electronic sounds, often synchronized with the dancers' movements to create a cohesive and immersive experience.

Pilobolus Tour Information

Pilobolus is known for its extensive touring schedule, bringing their unique brand of dance theater to audiences around the globe. Each year, the company embarks on a tour that includes performances at prestigious theaters, festivals, and cultural events. The tour schedule is updated regularly on their official website, providing detailed information on upcoming shows, venues, and ticket availability.

Frequently Asked Questions about Attending a Pilobolus Performance

What should I wear to a Pilobolus performance?

There is no specific dress code for attending a Pilobolus performance. You are welcome to dress in what makes you comfortable, whether it's casual or more formal attire.

How long is a typical Pilobolus show?

A typical Pilobolus performance lasts about 90 minutes, often with a short intermission. However, the exact duration can vary depending on the program.

Are Pilobolus shows suitable for children?

Pilobolus performances are generally family-friendly, but it's always a good idea to check the specific show's content before attending, especially for very young children.

Can I take photos or videos during the performance?

Photography and videography are usually not allowed during Pilobolus performances to avoid distracting the performers and other audience members. It's best to enjoy the show and capture memories in your mind.

Is there an opportunity to meet the performers after the show?

Meeting the performers is not guaranteed, but some venues offer post-show meet-and-greet sessions. Check with the theater or Pilobolus's official website for details on any special events.

Pilobolus continues to push the boundaries of contemporary dance, inspiring audiences with their creativity, athleticism, and artistic vision. Whether you're a longtime fan or new to their work, attending a Pilobolus performance is a captivating experience that celebrates the limitless potential of the human body and spirit.

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